Unique Creations for Your Unique Event


Valentine's Day Cookies

I tried my hand at some Valentine's Day cookies. They didn't turn out the best but I'm posting them anyways! Practice makes perfect, right!? 

Here's my favorite:

Monogrammed cookies: (These can be done in any color and are great for baby and wedding showers!)

Did I tell you Nathan likes to decorate cookies too? We like being artsy together! [He made the teapot for me ;). ]

 This isn't my favorite cookie- but I love the idea, so I'm posting it anyways! I found out pretty quickly that these colors aren't too forgiving when doing corrections- haha. However, I still wouldn't mind waking up to this Valentine's Day morning =)


  1. Kimberly! I found your blog thru Elizabeths! I adore your cookies! What tools do you use to decorate them? They look great!

  2. Thanks, Jennifer! You're monogrammed stuff is REALLY cute too! I use an icing bag and tips to decorate the cookies. ;)

    Elizabeth showed me the blog: i am baker - and I've been at it ever since! I also love the University of Cookie blog.

  3. Your cookies are amazing!!! I am jealous at your straight lines and your cute little hearts :)
