Unique Creations for Your Unique Event




Yes, I am one of those. "Blog Forsakers." Since starting this blog (and writing in it..haha) so much has changed. Here's a brief update:

*Caitlyn is 2.5 - I know, right?
*I no longer sell cookies ;)
*I do sell snack bags and dresses
*Our family is ADOPTING!
*We started an adoption blog
*I started eating a whole foods diet which has led to the next point
*I started studying to become a Natural Living Educator through Vintage Remedies and now have an obsession incredible excitement about natural living!

Due to these life changes, the majority of my posts will be related to one of 5 things:

-my Savior (and mommy-hood)
-adoption and mommy-hood
-natural living (and mommy-hood)
-homeschooling (and mommy-hood)

Now I will say that I don't have many new things to offer when it comes to these subjects, but what I do have are my own experiences and TONS of late-night, somewhat-thorough research. These things I would like to share.

I can't promise lots of updates, but I think this will become an archive for myself on the things I'm learning about! Maybe some of it will be helpful to others out there, too.

I have lots of things swimming through my mind to write about... however as it is 1:30am and I have a looong day ahead of me, they will have to wait.

Until next time...

Be blessed!


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